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08/07/01 - 10:22 PM

So it�s been two months since I set foot on this diary. If it�s any consolation I have been slacking with my other writings as well.

I turned 22 today. I know, I know, I�ve got one foot in the grave. But don�t try to stake any claims on my belongings yet, I�ve still got a lot of things to do.

Chess and I have been together over a year now. Over a year of near perfect bliss. I say near because the greatest beauty is in imperfection, and our relationship has had a perfectly flawed balance of good and bad adventures.

Tree, Stan and the like are figments of the past. We converse now and then, sometimes in awkward, stilted sentences, but even that is more appealing than any type of heavily-filled silence coating the distances between us.

Someone told me that I was looking extremely beautiful today. Someone who wasn�t Chess. That�s the kind of compliment that pleasantly surprises you. I�m sure I blushed as I said �Thank you.� Although on the inside I was wondering when was the last time his eyeglass prescription had been updated.

I recently acquired a job that I love. In the past month that I have been there my medical knowledge has expanded greatly. It is an incredible experience.

I am transferring schools yet again. Maybe I will actually graduate from this one. I am excited about going to a real school again. Hopefully this time I will be able to attain my goal of graduating with out my crazy parents, my crazy life, or my crazy mind interfering.


I�ll try to keep in touch with this side of me more often. But Iniquity doesn�t make many appearances in me lately. She�s been too happy.

Past Five:
[110703] [08/06/03] [07/25/03] [07/21/03] [07/12/03]
